
General code


Anything past the hash tag sign on the same line is a comment.

  1. This is a comment

number = 10 # Assign

Anything en-claused between the =begin and =end is also considered a comment. =begin This is comment ... =end


Local Variables:

Local variables exist only within the current programming block.

number1 = 10 # A simple integer number2 = 112.3412 # Decimal or float as they are called name = "Captain Cuddles" # Strings are used for storing text.

Instance Variables:

Instance variables (@my_var) are only accessible within the current body scope! @my_var = 10 @my_other_var = "Hello"

Class Variables:

Class variables (@@my_var) are accessible within the all body scopes and controllers! @@my_var = 10 @@my_other_var = "Hello"

You may also use getVar('var_name'), setVar('var_name', value). setVar('count', 20) getVar('count') # <= returns 20

The only difference between class variables and getVar is that an undefined class variable will raise an exception, but an undefined getVar('var_name') will simply return nil. It is recommended to use getVar('var_name') when implementing data between the controllers, as they won't raise any errors.

Another method is getSetVar('var_name', value). What it does is returns original values and assigns the new value. setVar('count', 10) getSetVar('count', 20) # <= returns 10 (the original value) and assigns 20.

Global Variables:

Global variables ($my_var) are accessible everywhere in the current SketchUp application. $my_var = 10 $my_other_var = "Hello"

It is recommended to minimize the use of global variables to follow the Ruby scripting rules.


Now if we want to combine text and numbers we need some type conversions, but those are no problem in Ruby.

number1 = "19837".to_i # Converts string (text) into an integer number2 = "198.37".to_f # Converts text into a float/decimal/numeric.

  1. To combine the number with text we convert it to a string:

some_text = "Captain Slow has" + 19837.to_s + "peanuts"

Random values

rand Gives a random decimal value between 0 and 1.

rand(n) Gives a whole (integer) random number between 0 and the specified number minus one. For instance, rand(10) will return a whole number between 0 and 9.

See Also [1] [2]
