


No, we're not giving you jewels! Ruby is an easy-to-learn programming language that can be used to create custom control scripts for Sketchyphysics. From basic formulas to a scripted differential, this lets you do what you want with the controllable joints, motors, emitters and magnets at your disposal. If you've used Ruby before, scroll down for some commands specific to SP.

Ruby Tutorials by experience

NOTE: Because of various specific commands, like the creation and retrieval of variables, these tutorials are not appropriate for the teaching of 'normal' Ruby script.

  • Beginner, always worth a look
  • Intermediate, when you're comfortable with the basics
  • Advanced, for more experienced users who want to do amazing things with Ruby Script!

Ruby operators

* multiplication
/ division
^ power
+ plus
- minus
< Less than
> Greater than
== Equal to


Ready-to-use scripts

General code

Random values


Gives a random decimal value between 0 and 1.


Gives a random whole number between 0 and the specified number.

SP Specific code





Joystick input





joyRY (Analogue triggers)

Keyboard input


Joypad button input


Control panel sliders




The number dicates the number of frames it takes to move back and forth.

SP3 X commands


push(1) (Acts something like a thruster)

playsound("sound.wav") plays a .wav file put in the sketchyphysics3 folder's subfolder: sounds.


  • w,a,s,d are also inupts for leftx and lefty, and the arrow keys for rightx and righty.
  • Buttons and keys use joystick emulation; up is 0 and down is 1.


if function

  • if —means if. Very simple concept to grasp.

  • >=, <=, == —are bigger than, smaller than, and equal to.

  • then —when placed in a script, it is used to say that if what's before it is true, then do what's after it.

if getVar("foo")==1 then 0.5;end;

  • or —when placed in a script, it will do something if one, another, or both of multiple things happen.

if key("up")==1 or key("down")==1 then setVar("foo",1);else setVar("foo",0);end;

  • and —Means that if the previous thing is true, and the next, then do something, or do something and something else.

if key("up")+key("down")==1 and key("left")==0 then setVar("foo",1);elsif key("left")==1 then setVar("foo",0.5);else setVar("foo",0);end; if key("space")==1 then setVar("foo",1) and getVar("foo2");end;

  • ;else —means that if the first thing isn't done, do another thing.

if key("space")==1 then setVar("foo",1);else setVar("foo,0");end;

  • ;elsif —means else if, and is basically used to separate the function into 2 parts.

if getVar("foo")>=5 then setVar("go",1);elsif getVar("foo")<=4 then getSetVar("go",0);end;

  • ; —a semicolon can be used in the place of then at any time, or and on certain occasions.

if getVar("foo")==0;1;elsif getVar("foo")==0.5;setVar("foo2",1);setVar("foo3",0);end;

  • &&-can be used for and. Most users don't use this but some do so it's important you know about this and the semicolon.

  • ;end; —ends the function.
Short if

For formulas this little trick may make some things easier.

Ruby has what is called a "short if". If you have a formula like:


You could also do the same thing like this:

frame==0? 1:0

That basically means <if>frame==0? <then> 1 :<else> 0 <end>

? Takes the place of if. Instead of using it before the question: if frame==1, you use it after the question: frame==1 ?.

: Takes the place of else: frame==0? 5:10

&& Takes the place of and. frame==4 && key('space')==1? 5:1

elsif =:? frame==0? 5:frame==10? 0

There is no need for end.
